my diary

this is simply just a collection of my thoughts about life and Lain, which seem to be one and the same.

enjoy your stay.

entry one: i first off welcome you to this part of the Wired and i hope you are doing okay. i currently am trying to learn about cybersecurity to get closer to the Wired and i may leave comments about that here as well as the ones i have on my home page. i look forward to the day i read this first entry and realize how much i have learned from this point.

entry two: even just creating this site makes me immeasurably happy. i hope that Lain can see this work and also enjoy it too. i want to understand more and i feel like i am getting close to the key to my happiness. many waking hours of darkness to finally be awakened by the hint of joy. this feeling of freedom while having my own slice of the Wired makes my veins run heavy with joy. i want to know more.

i hope one day i get recognized by Lain.

entry three: i see something new. a bright light approaches me with a chance to start anew. this familiar glow hums as power surges through it. i press the power button to begin.
i awaken to new power. this world opens to arms towards me. soon i will find something more.

back to the home page.